"The voice of one crying out in the wilderness"


"Prepare the Way", the Theological Hui for 2015 kicks off today gathering participants from across Aotearoa-NZ and Polynesia for three days of fellowship, worship, listening to God, and 'hovering over the face of the deep' as we examine what it means to 'prepare the way'  and what it means to be people of 'the way'.

Beginning this evening at St Peter's School in Cambridge, Keynote addresses will be co-presented in tandem - partnering younger and more experienced leaders together from across the Three-Tikanga Church - and look at three key areas: 'Prepare The Way', examining Luke 3:3-6; 'Show the Way', asking whether we've missed the point of the 'Journey to Emmaus' in Luke 24; and, 'Lead the Way', unpacking Acts 2 and what is modelled for us in how the early Church lived and learned and acted.

Participants will also make a pilgrimage on Friday afternoon to the resting place of Tarore of Waharoa and learn more about the remarkable story of how love and reconciliation, and the spread of the Good News of Jesus Christ, flowed from the life and death of this young martyr.

Follow the action on FB at https://www.facebook.com/younganglican and on Instagram and Twitter on the hashtag #TheoHui15