"All who believed were together"

Claude and Kirstin 'Led The Way' on the final day of the Theological Hui with their Keynote on Acts 2 examining Pentecost and the example of the early Church.

Participants then moved into activities to get them thinking about tying their thinking, and 'feeling', to their 'doing'. Activities included putting together a gameplan for action in their own communities around social justice; connecting with their creativity through art; expressing themselves through spoken word poetry; learning and marking the event with a waiata-a-ringa (action song) composed especially for the hui; and gathering to pray, and compose prayer.

The hui then moved into its closing Eucharist where Archdeacon Sepiuta Hala'api'api drew together the threads of the hui's theme, discussion and activity over the last three days to deliver an awesome message on preparing the way - that we might be messengers too who point the way to Jesus Christ.