"Prepare the Way", where John points the way to Jesus in Luke, was the theme for this year's Theological Hui.

This theme builds on the celebration in 2014 of 200 years since the Gospel's arrival in Aotearoa-NZ and the key text, also from Luke (2:10), "I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people."

At our hui this year, we took up the challenge of looking ahead, to do theology around preparing the way and reminding ourselves what it means to be people of 'the way'.

keynote reflections

Keynote 1: Rev Don Tamihere & Rosa Filoi

Our first Keynote presenters at the Theological Hui, 2015, , Rev Don Tamihere and Rosa Filoi, share some reflections on their presentation.

Keynote 2: Rev Ngira Simmonds & Rev Ellen Bernstein

Rev Ngira Simmonds and Rev Ellen Bernstein offer reflections on the second Keynote of the Theological Hui 2015.

Keynote 3: Kirstin Cant & Very Rev Claude Fong Toy

Our third Keynote presenters for the Theological Hui, 2015, were the Very Rev Claude Fong Toy and Kirstin Cant who spoke on Acts 2, the early Church and leading the way.

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